Atlanta Urban Development
Welcome to the Atlanta Urban Development Corporation website.
What we believe in
Inclusive neighborhoods where residents can thrive.

Who we are

The Atlanta Urban Development Corporation is a specialized non-profit entity capable of leading the redevelopment of public land into marketable, mixed income housing that is attractive and attainable to tenants of all income levels.

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Illustration of colorful house/buildings with silhouettes of people in front

What we do

The AUDC’s approach is to innovate, respond, and adapt to affordable housing in a way that is integrated and coordinated with other entities focused on the success of individuals, families, and communities.

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Cityscape in background with blue sky, colorful circles in foreground with silhouettes of people on top.
Working with Us

Work with AUDC

Interested in working with AUDC? Learn more about our current project opportunities and how to submit a bid. AUD requests submissions from qualified respondents demonstrating the technical and financial capacity required.

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Construction area showing a hand shake
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